Denominations and Non-Denominationalists (6066)
In this video, Dr. Rast describes the development of Christian denominations as people migrated from Europe to America.
President Emeritus and Professor of Historical Theology | Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne
In this video, Dr. Rast describes the development of Christian denominations as people migrated from Europe to America.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses the decline of fundamentalism and its later re-emergence as neo-evangelicalism.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses church bodies that refute the use of creeds, demonstrating the futility of this position even among non-creedal groups.
In this video, Dr. Rast provides a brief overview of the three ecumenical creeds, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Athanasian Creed, discussing their origin and purpose.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses the origins and beliefs of the Radical Reformation, including the Mennonites, the Amish, and the Quakers.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses Martin Luther's influence on the Baptist, Episcopal, and Presbyterian Churches.
In this video, Dr. Rast traces the roots of the Presbyterian Church back to England, examines its polity, and discusses the doctrinal variation within the different branches of Presbyterianism.
In this video, Dr. Rast examines the history, polity, and ritual in the Church of England which would become the Episcopal Church in the United States.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses the emergence of the Baptist Movement in England, its spread to the United States, and its distinguishing doctrines.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses the Council of Trent, where the Roman Catholic Church formally addressed Martin Luther's assertions of error within Catholic doctrine and practice.