Differing Views on the Lord’s Supper (6017)
In this video, Dr. Rast contrasts the various views on Lord's Supper held by different Christian denominations throughout history.
President Emeritus and Professor of Historical Theology | Concordia Theological Seminary, Ft. Wayne
In this video, Dr. Rast contrasts the various views on Lord's Supper held by different Christian denominations throughout history.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses the life of faith that inevitably follows God's justifying work.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses justification, the central message of Scripture, and the sanctified life that follows.
In this video, Dr. Rast identifies the defining characteristics of Lutheranism.
In this video, Dr. Rast considers choice and an individual's role in his/her theological future.
In this video, Dr. Rast introduces us to French reformer John Calvin and his teachings, which continue to influence the Reformed tradition to this day.
In this video, Dr. Rast examines the questions that emerge as people contemplate the nature and character of God, and how the answers cannot be intuited without the special revelation of God found in the Bible.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses the two questions that all religious systems seek to answer, and the narratives used to do so.
In this video, Dr. Rast examines the role of shared rituals, practices, and experiences in defining the membership of a religious community.
In this video, Dr. Rast contrasts the tendency of human beings to create their own religious systems inspired by personal and cultural experiences, and ultimately based on works righteousness, with the truth revealed in the Bible, rooted in God’s grace.