Video summary: In this video, Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf examines the concept of typology and how typology helps us to understand the scripture.

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Lecturer: Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf, Professor of Theology | Concordia University Irvine

Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf is a Professor of Theology at Concordia University Irvine where he teaches a wide of variety of courses related to the Bible (e.g. Old and New Testament, Greek and Hebrew, and many more!). He works with undergraduates, students in the Master of Arts program and seminarians studying for many types of ethnic ministry.

Dr. Middendorf's home state is Minnesota, where he attended Concordia University, St. Paul. After receiving his Master of Divinity, Master of Sacred Theology, and ultimately his doctorate from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, he served as a parish pastor at Concordia Lutheran Church in Jamestown, North Dakota. Dr. Middendorf followed his service in the parish ministry as a professor of theology, first at Concordia University Texas for 9 years and now at Concordia University Irvine.

Dr. Middendorf authored a two-volume commentary on the book of Romans for Concordia Publishing House's Concordia Commentary series. Volume one was published in 2013; volume two in 2016. He also co-authored the New Testament textbook Called by the Gospel which is used at Concordia University Irvine and other Concordia universities.

In addition to digging into the Bible figuratively, Dr. Middendorf worked on an archaeology dig at Hippos on the shore of the Sea of Galilee in Israel.

"After all those Concordias, I should point out that “Concordia” is from two Latin words which literally mean “with heart.” That is one phrase which I strive to have as a characteristic of my teaching ministry." — Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf