A.D. 70 Aaron Abednego Abner abortion Abraham Abrahamic covenant Abram Absalom absentee parents absolute truth absolution abuse in the home Acts 10 Acts 16:15 Acts 16:33 Acts 22:16 Acts 2:38 Acts 6 Acts 8 actual sin Adam adiaphora adolescence adolescents affirmation Africa Agricola Ahab Aimee McPherson alcohol Alexander Campbell Ambrose Amish Amman Ammon Amnon Amon Amos Amsdorf Anabaptist Anabaptists analogy of faith Andreae Andreas Karlstadt Andreas Musculus Andreas Osiander Angel of Death Angel of the Lord angels Anglican Church Anglicans anointed one anointing anthropocentric antilegomena Antinomian controversy antitype Antonia fortress Apocrypha Apollos Apology of the Augsburg Confession Apology to the Augsburg Confession apostle Apostles Creed Aquinas Arab Christians Aramaic Archbishop Albrecht Archelaus architecture Arian Arianism ark ark of the covenant Arminianism Artaxerxes artha asceticism Asia Assemblies of God Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church Assyria Athanasian Creed atonement attachment attributes of God Augsburg Confession Augustine Augustinian Order Augustinian Synthesis Augustinians authenticity authority auxiliary office Azusa Street Revival


Caesarea call Calvary Calvin Calvinism Calvinistic Baptists Canaan Canaanite woman canon Carchemish Cassian caste catechism cathedral Catholic Mass Central Hills ceremonial law charismatic gifts Charles Finney Charles Fox Charles V Charles Wesley Chemnitz child of God children Children of Israel Chilion choice choose chosen Christ Christ alone Christian Christian comfort Christian instruction Christian Life Christian living Christian priorities Christocentric Christology church church and state church fathers Church of Christ Church of England circumcision City of God clairvoyant speech cleanliness cleanse Cleopatra Coastal Plain Colosse Colossians Colossians 1:15-16 Colossians 1:18-19 Colossians 1:27 Colossians 2 Colossians 3 commandment commissioned commitment common characteristics of adolescents communication of attributes Communion communion of saints compare concreated quality condemnation confession confessions confidence confirmation Confucianism Confucius congregational life conscience Conservative Judaism contaminated contamination Contarini context contrition control Corinth Corinthians Cornelius corruption council Council of Chalcedon Council of Trent courtroom covenant covenant with Abraham covenants covet creation creator Creed cuius regio cultic purity culture Cumberland Presbyterian Church curb Cyrus


Palastine Palestine Palestinian Arabs papacy papal bull papal statements Papias parable Parable of the Tares Parable of the Weeds and Wheat paradigm paradox paralyzed parental influence parents Parmenas parochial school Particular Baptists Passover Passover Lamb Pat Robertson Paul Pelagianism Pelagius Pella penance Pentecostalism perseverance of the saints Persia person of Christ personal relationship personal truth pet sins Peter Pfeffigner Pharaoh Pharaoh Hophra Pharaoh Neco II Pharaoh’s daughter Pharisees Philip Philip II Philip of Hesse Philipp Melanchthon Philippi Philippians Philippians 4:13 Philippists Philistine Philistines Phoenicia pistis place Plagues Plain of Philistia Plain of Sharon politia political life Pontius Pilate Pope population growth post-confirmation retention post-modernism Postmodernism Praetorian Guard praise pray prayer preaching predestination prejudice presbyter Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Church USA Presbyterians presuppositions prevenient grace price priesthood PRISM Prochorus proclamation Prodigal Son promise promise of salvation promise of Savior Promised Land prophecy prophecy fulfilled prophesy prophet prophetic speech prophets of Israel proscriptive law Proselyte provide provision psalm Psalm 103 Psalm 104 Psalm 150 Psalm 23 Psalm 27 Psalm 32 Psalm 33 Psalm 46 Psalm 51 Psalm 51:5 Psalm 62 Psalm 63 Psalm 69 Psalm 8 Psalms Pseudepigrapha public ministry punishment purification Puritans purpose of parochial schools


Sabbath Day sacrament sacramental union sacramental Word sacraments sacred and profane sacrifice sacrifices sacrificial blood Sadducees Saducees safe safety sailboat salvation Salvation Army Samaria Samaritans Samson Samuel Samuel 23 sanctification Satan satisfaction Saul savior Saxon-Swabian Concord Saxony scapegoat Scopes Monkey Trial Scribes scripture scripture alone scripture interprets scripture Sea of Galilee seals second article second coming Second Commandment second petition second work of grace secondary authority Secular Judaism security self-confidence selfishness Selnecker Semi-Pelagianism separation separation of church and state Septuagint sermon Sermon on the Mount servant servant song servant songs of Isaiah seven visions Seventh Commandment seventh petition sexual sin Shadrach shared ritual sheep Shem shepherd Shfela region Shintoism Shiva short story shunning Siddhartha Gautama Sidon sin Sinai Peninsula sins sitz im leben Six Christian Sermons Sixth Commandment sixth petition slavery slavery to freedom slavery to God slaves slow learners Smalcald Articles Smalcald League Smalcald War Small Catechism Small Catechism: trusting God Sodom sola Christus sola fide sola gratia sola scriptura Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord Solomon Solomon’s temple Son Son of God Sorrowful Letter speaking in tongues special revelation spiritual gifts spiritual presence spread of the gospel St Ambrose St Augustine St. Peter’s Basilica stages of adolescence stealing Stephen subscription suffering servant Sunday Swabian Concord Swabian-Saxon Concord swear symbolic numbers symbolism synagogue syncretism synergism Synoptic Gospels Syria