Creedal vs Non-creedal (6064)
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses church bodies that refute the use of creeds, demonstrating the futility of this position even among non-creedal groups.
In this video, Dr. Rast discusses church bodies that refute the use of creeds, demonstrating the futility of this position even among non-creedal groups.
How is the sacrament of baptism today different than the baptisms performed by John the Baptist? In this video, Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf examines this question.
In this video, Dr. Mark Meehl examines the origin and practice of baptism in the Old Testament continuing through to John the Baptist.
This video presents a brief biography of John the Baptist. It is part of the Who's Who collection of biographies. This is a multimedia presentation with voice-over.
In this video, Dr. Kolb presents an overview of the Smalcald Articles’ teachings on the sacraments, baptism, Lord’s Supper, and confession, contrasting Luther’s views with Roman Catholic and reformed views.
Shot on location in Smalcalden, Germany, Dr. Kolb presents an overview of the Smalcald Articles’ teachings on the five uses of the Word in written, oral, and sacramental forms, as well as his view of the role of the Bible, in and of itself, in communicating the Word to others.
In this video, Dr. Kolb discusses Luther’s views on baptism and the historical events that shaped the way Luther wrote about this sacrament.
In this video, Dr. Kolb discusses Luther's view that the Word of God, in written, oral, and sacramental forms must be the center of a Christian's life.
This multimedia presentation addresses the topic of baptism—specifically scriptural support for infant baptism. See the downloadable Instructor’s Handbook for context, and for related exercises and lessons. The video is part of Images of Faith, a collection of supplementary confirmation materials available at no cost to the schools and congregations of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.
This video explores the presence and role of law in both testaments of Scripture, concluding with an emphasis on the gospel. This is a multimedia presentation with voice-over.