To Be Known and To Know (2040)
How is it that Jesus knows us and how are we to know him? In this video, Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf addresses the question.
How is it that Jesus knows us and how are we to know him? In this video, Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf addresses the question.
The Prodigal Son is a very popular parable. What does it mean? In this lecture, Dr. Mark Meehl discusses the process of interpreting parables in general, and the parable of the prodigal son in particular.
In this video, Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf examines the message of the Sermon on the Mount as it relates to the works righteousness of the Pharisees and to Jesus' disciples.
In this video, Dr. Kolb presents a broad overview of the Lord's Prayer including Luther's views on the individual petitions.
This video, the first in a series of five videos on the Lord’s Prayer, examines the opening petitions of the prayer using a short story with original artwork. See the downloadable Instructor’s Handbook for context, and for related exercises and lessons. The video is part of Images of Faith, a collection of supplementary confirmation materials available at no cost to the schools and congregations of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.
This video is a multimedia presentation on the first article of the Apostles’ Creed. See the downloadable Instructor’s Handbook for context, and for related exercises and lessons. The video is part of Images of Faith, a collection of supplementary confirmation materials available at no cost to the schools and congregations of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.
This video uses a short story to illustrate important aspects of the Fourth Commandment. See the downloadable Instructor’s Handbook for context, and for related exercises and lessons. The video is part of Images of Faith, a collection of supplementary confirmation materials available at no cost to the schools and congregations of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.