The Small Catechism: Prayer (5016)
In this video, Dr. Kolb presents a broad overview of the Lord's Prayer including Luther's views on the individual petitions.
In this video, Dr. Kolb presents a broad overview of the Lord's Prayer including Luther's views on the individual petitions.
Shot on location outside Luther’s residence in Wittenberg, Germany, Dr. Kolb offers a broad overview of each of the Ten Commandments and what they teach Luther and us.
This multimedia presentation on the Second Commandment examines the importance of a person’s name and reputation along with the Christian’s responsibility to protect God’s name and reputation through our own actions. See the downloadable Instructor’s Handbook for context, and for related exercises and lessons. The video is part of Images of Faith, a collection of supplementary confirmation materials available at no cost to the schools and congregations of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.