The Dead Sea Scrolls (2099)
This video is the first in a series of videos in which Dr. Mark Meehl examines the Dead Sea Scrolls and their importance to Biblical studies and a broader understanding of Jewish culture at the time of Jesus.
This video is the first in a series of videos in which Dr. Mark Meehl examines the Dead Sea Scrolls and their importance to Biblical studies and a broader understanding of Jewish culture at the time of Jesus.
Part two of Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf's concise introduction to the Book of Romans.
How does one distinguish between Law and Gospel? Why is it important? In this video, Rev. Dr. Michael Middendorf examines these questions.
This video consists of a short story which illustrates grace and forgiveness. See the downloadable Instructor’s Handbook for context, and for related exercises and lessons. The video is part of Images of Faith, a collection of supplementary confirmation materials available at no cost to the schools and congregations of the LCMS, WELS, and ELS.
In this video, Dr. Mark Meehl examines the different lessons to be learned from the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.